Kamis, 30 April 2020


Halaman Utama – Aureus Nummus Gold
Aureus Nummus (simbol: ANG) adalah mata uang digital dan aset, yang didukung oleh emas fisik atau setara emas dan berfungsi sebagai instrumen pembayaran dan tabungan global. Dukungan emas memberikan nilai intrinsik dan stabilitas Aureus Nummus yang jauh lebih tinggi daripada mata uang dan sistem pembayaran lainnya.

Tingkat konversi kami untuk Aureus Nummus selalu tetap sama dan independen dari fluktuasi harga pasar di pasar sekunder: 100.000 ANG = 1 ons emas batangan. Tujuan ini dicapai dengan mendasarkan Aureus Nummus 1: 1 pada emas fisik yang dialokasikan langsung atau setara emas. Untuk setiap Aureus Nummus, yang dijual kepada publik, jumlah emas fisik atau emas yang setara dimasukkan ke dalam akun trust.

Dukungan emas, nilai tukar tetap, serta algoritma perangkat lunak mendukung dan menstabilkan harga Emas Aureus Nummus.

Para pemegang Aureus Nummus secara kolektif memiliki emas atau emas yang setara, yang disimpan sebagai cadangan dalam rekening kepercayaan untuk mendukung nilai Aureus Nummus. Pemegang Aureus Nummus dapat meminta agar koin Aureus Nummus mereka dikonversi kembali menjadi emas atau setara dengan emas, dengan tunduk pada Syarat dan Ketentuan kami. 

Aureus Nummus dirancang untuk melengkapi mata uang fiat tradisional dan layanan perbankan dengan menyediakan alat pembayaran dan simpanan yang independen dengan nilai intrinsik yang menyelesaikan masalah kepercayaan, dan banyak masalah dan tantangan lain yang terkait saat ini dengan mata uang fiat dan perbankan. Kemampuan untuk melacak dan untuk secara langsung memberikan nilai pada objek yang dapat dibayangkan dalam fase pengembangan selanjutnya akan membawa Aureus Nummus ke era baru mata uang.

Tujuan dari Aureus Nummus juga adalah untuk melayani populasi yang tidak memiliki rekening bank di dunia ini dengan memberikan mereka akses yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk solusi pembayaran dan tabungan, dan untuk memberikan alternatif bagi mereka yang ingin melengkapi layanan perbankan yang ada dan kepemilikan mata uang fiat.

Nilai satu koin Aureus Nummus telah ditetapkan dengan sengaja di tingkat US-Dollar sen untuk membantu konsumen dan perusahaan dengan pembayaran dan penyelesaian faktur dan transaksi kecil.

Penafian dan Informasi Hukum
"Syarat dan Ketentuan" serta "Kebijakan Privasi" dalam versi mereka saat ini sebagaimana dipublikasikan pada
www.an.gold adalah dasar hukum untuk penggunaan dan penyempurnaan presentasi ini (the
"Presentasi"). Kecuali untuk pernyataan fakta sejarah yang terkandung di sini, informasinya
disajikan merupakan "pernyataan berwawasan ke depan", dalam arti US Securities Act
tahun 1933, Undang-Undang Pertukaran Efek AS tahun 1934, Undang-Undang Reformasi Litigasi Efek Swasta dari
1995 dan undang-undang sekuritas AS dan asing lainnya yang berlaku. Pernyataan berwawasan ke depan
termasuk, tetapi tidak terbatas pada, pernyataan sehubungan dengan harga emas di masa depan, estimasi
harga mata uang, waktu dan jumlah estimasi produksi ekonomi global di masa depan. Pernyataan berwawasan ke depan umumnya dapat diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan terminologi berwawasan ke depan seperti
"Mungkin", "akan", "berharap", "bermaksud", "berusaha", "memperkirakan", "mengantisipasi", "percaya", "melanjutkan", "rencana", atau
terminologi serupa. Pernyataan berwawasan ke depan dibuat berdasarkan asumsi tertentu dan
faktor penting lainnya yang, jika tidak benar, dapat menyebabkan hasil aktual, penampilan atau
prestasi Aureus Nummus secara material berbeda dari hasil di masa depan, pertunjukan
atau prestasi yang dinyatakan atau tersirat oleh pernyataan seperti itu. Pernyataan dan informasi tersebut adalah
berdasarkan berbagai asumsi mengenai strategi bisnis saat ini dan masa depan dan
lingkungan di mana Aureus Nummus akan beroperasi di masa depan, termasuk harga emas dan emas
biaya yang diantisipasi. Faktor-faktor penting tertentu yang dapat menyebabkan hasil aktual, kinerja atau
prestasi untuk berbeda secara materi dari yang ada di pernyataan berwawasan ke depan termasuk, di antaranya
yang lain, ketidakstabilan harga emas, perbedaan antara produksi aktual dan estimasi, mineral
cadangan dan sumber daya dan pemulihan metalurgi, risiko operasional pertambangan dan pengembangan
berkaitan dengan pihak-pihak yang mengelola Aureus Nummus, pembatasan peraturan, kegiatan oleh
otoritas pemerintah (termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada perubahan dalam perpajakan), fluktuasi mata uang,
iklim ekonomi global, dilusi, volatilitas dan persaingan pasar saham. Berwawasan ke depan
Pernyataan tersebut memiliki risiko yang diketahui dan tidak diketahui, ketidakpastian dan faktor penting lainnya
dapat menyebabkan hasil aktual, tingkat aktivitas, kinerja, atau pencapaian Aureus
Nummus berbeda secara materi dari yang diungkapkan atau tersirat oleh pandangan ke depan tersebut
pernyataan, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada: dampak bisnis umum dan kondisi ekonomi,
tidak adanya kontrol atas operasi sumber daya dari mana manajemen Aureus Nummus
akan membeli emas dan komoditas lainnya dan risiko yang terkait dengan operasi tersebut, termasuk risiko
terkait dengan operasi internasional, peraturan pemerintah dan lingkungan, hasil aktual dari
kegiatan eksplorasi saat ini, kesimpulan evaluasi ekonomi dan perubahan dalam proyek
parameter sebagai rencana terus disempurnakan, risiko dalam pemasaran mineral, fluktuasi di
harga emas, fluktuasi nilai tukar mata uang asing dan suku bunga, volatilitas pasar saham, sebagai
serta banyak faktor risiko potensial lainnya yang tidak diketahui saat ini. Meskipun Aureus
Manajemen Nummus telah berusaha mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penting yang dapat menyebabkan hasil aktual
berbeda secara materi dari yang terkandung dalam pernyataan berwawasan ke depan, mungkin ada faktor-faktor lain
yang menyebabkan hasil tidak seperti yang diantisipasi, diperkirakan, atau dimaksudkan. Tidak ada jaminan itu
pernyataan seperti itu akan terbukti akurat, karena hasil aktual dan kejadian di masa depan bisa berbeda
secara material dari yang diantisipasi dalam pernyataan seperti itu. Oleh karena itu, pembaca tidak boleh menempatkannya dengan tidak semestinya
mengandalkan pernyataan berwawasan ke depan. Gambar dalam dokumen ini, presentasi perusahaan dapat
atau mungkin bukan dari atau merujuk pada Aureus Nummus. Manajemen Aureus Nummus tidak
berjanji untuk memperbarui segala pernyataan berwawasan ke depan yang dimuat atau dimasukkan oleh
referensi, kecuali sesuai dengan hukum (sekuritas) yang berlaku. Gambar dan video dalam hal ini
Presentasi dan materi informasi lainnya, mungkin simbolis dan mungkin tidak perlu merujuk
Aureus Nummus. Presentasi ini mungkin mengandung kesalahan atau kesalahan ketik yang tidak disengaja, yang mana
Manajemen Aureus Nummus akan berusaha untuk memperbaikinya segera setelah disadari. Itu
Manajemen Aureus Nummus tidak menerima tanggung jawab atas kesalahan atau kesalahan ketik yang tidak disengaja.
Manajemen Aureus Nummus dapat mengubah Syarat dan Ketentuan kapan saja untuk
menanggapi perubahan keadaan dan kebutuhan pasar. Satu-satunya entitas yang berwenang untuk mendistribusikan
Sebuah koin adalah Simplexx Ltd

Sebuah koin ICO Bounty Alokasi:
Kampanye Tanda Tangan: 10%
Kampanye Blog dan Artikel: 15%
Kampanye YouTube: 15%
Kampanye Twitter: 10%
Kampanye Facebook: 5%
Kampanye LinkedIn: 10%
Telegram: 10%
Cadangan untuk Airdrop: 25%



Rabu, 29 April 2020


About Azbi
Azbi Network Is A Newly Created, Infrastructure Level, Multiple Chain, Public System. It Has Native Support And EVM, Which Creates A Scalable And An Open Platform For The Industry’s Third Party Developers. Large Scaled Enterprise Level Applications Are Possible With The AZBI Network Through The Use Of Smart Contracts. Core Technologies Which Underline The Azbi Network Includes Native Multiple Chain Architecture Which Supports The EVM Environment Through A POS Based Consensus Across A Multiple Layer.

Abzi Network
As Multiple Chains Become More Prevalent The Storage Capabilities And Computer Power Linearly Increases. Azbi Network Is The First Blockchain That Will Support EVM On A Multiple Chain Layered Structure. The Multiple Chain Approach Is Far Superior Than The Previous Child-Chain Method Which Commonly Supports Smart Contracts And Benefits By The Improved DApp Supporting Features.

Smart Contracts
The Azbi Network Innovates Smart Contracts For Non-Native Token Users Through Cross Chain Calling. The Smart Contract Uses AZBI Network Tools To Support Use Of Tokens And BCH With ERC20 Protocol. The Basic Idea Is That The Tools Provided By The Network Are Used On Other Blockchains And Ignites Smart Contract On The Network With Tokens From Other Blockchains, The Tokens Will Be Acquired In The First Instance Through The Toolkit By Way Of A Smart Data Driven Knowledge Graph. When The AZBI Token Number Reaches A Convertible Number To The Off Chain Token, Tools Will Act To Transfer That Number Of Tokens From Azbi Network To Consume The Corresponding Amount Of Off Platform Tokens For Invoking The Smart Contract.

Multiple Problems That Blockchain Faces When It Is Applied To Smart Contracts Which Should Be Noted, Including:
A Lack Of Effective Oracle That Is Not Unified Across Platforms. For Instance, The Bitcoin Ecosystem Is Closed With All Of Its Data Being Generated From Within Its Own System, Which Means That The Authenticity And Validity Of The Data Is Confirmed As Trustworthy. In Comparison To That, The Smart Contract Application Has To Use Data And Knowledge Gained By Different External Systems, So A Bottleneck Is Created By The Requirement For External Platform Authentication. This Creates Wasted Resources And In General Complicates The Transactions.
Large Scale Transactions Lack Sufficient Levels Of Support. Single Strand Competition Creates A Wasted Level Of Resources In Terms Of Browsing And Complicates The Restoration Of Transaction.
There Is An Increased Demand For Support That Exists Across Multiple Chains. Compatibility Of Platforms Is An Issue For Smart Contracts.

Information Token
Ticker - AZBI
Token type - Ethereum
ICO Token Price - 1 AZBI = 0.000005 ETH
Fundraising Goal - 10 000 ETH
Available for Token Sale - 2 000 000 000 AZBI
Accepts - ETH

Public sale - 10.00%
Team - 25.00%
Private sale - 20.00%
Staking - 20.00%
Bounty and Airdrop - 5.00%
Platform development - 20.00%

August 2019
November 2019
Proposal draft and review
February 2020
AZBI Limited formation
March 2020
User base formation, advertising
April 2020
Staking rewards initialization
October 2020
AZBI Testnet bughunt (selected testers)
December 2020
AZBI Testnet bughunt (public)
February 2021
AZBI Testnet launch (staking activated)
May 2021
AZBI Mainnet bughunt (selected testers)
July 2021
AZBI Mainnet bughunt (public)
November 2021
AZBI Mainnet launch (staking activated)
February 2022
Community governance activation

Our Team
Michael Wang - AZBI Founder
Alina Ranta - Network Engineer
Roberta Byrd - Senior Graphic Designer
Miranda Weaver - Community Relations
Mike Kim - Full Stack Engineer



Senin, 20 April 2020


The Cowrium Platform
Cowrium is a blockchain project being developed to help Small and Medium Enterprise to easily adopt comprehensive blockchain solutions to better reach thousands of customers who conduct business through the SME industry..

The Cowrie coin, which is the official cryptocurrency of the Cowrium platform, represents a digital currency that will effectively replace the physical money. The aim is to increase the adoption of blockchain technology through an easy-to-use platform.

Cowrium uses a 2-Hop network. In the first hop, miners identify blocks and record transactions on to the blockchain. The miner, of course, is rewarded with the new coin mined in return. The other hop consists of Masternodes that are hosted on virtual private servers (VPS). These are special servers that enable instant and private transactions, budgeting as well as decentralized governance.

Mining : The Cowrium blockchain combines in-browser mining with Mobile Mining as a support system for the CPU and GPU miners, allowing for Cowrium’s hash rate to be truly decentralized, protected against 51% attacks and providing better profitability for web and mobile miners.

Masternodes : Masternodes: The Cowrium POS Masternodes is similar to Dash's, which provides to the network near-instant and secures payments as well as anonymous transactions. The Cowrium Blockchain allows CWR holders to earn fixed rewards through staking, in return for their help to secure the network.

Well, the existing crypto system doesn’t make it very easy for just anyone to invest in or benefit from the high-potential blockchain technology for things like making low-cost, cross-border payments, etc. Also, there is a serious lack of real-world applications that utilise cryptocurrencies.

Cowrium aims to change that with a blockchain ecosystem that will help small businesses easily adopt blockchain solutions to enhance their customer reach and grow the business with advanced tech resources.

Some of the features that make Cowrium better than most other blockchain platforms include a multi-currency payment system, smart contract library with 2-hop (PoW/PoS) protocol, atomic swap, intelligent pooling system, hyperblock technology, enterprise private contracts, recurring & scheduling payments, PrivateSend, support for multiple cryptographic algorithms, signing & address via Polysig, InstantSend, Smart Contract interaction between child chains, interoperability between the Conventional Ledger and Old Legacy System (Banking) and the New Ledger (Blockchain), merchant web solutions, multicoin browser & mobile wallet, custom HTML APIs for small & medium enterprises, prepaid debit card for consumers, merchant loyalty program, and referral rewards.

The Cowrium Project is not just a blockchain that aims to develop existing economies, but is an entirely new economic system that is being created on blockchain technology.

We understand that the first requirement for building a strong independent network such as Cowrium is to provide liquidity and various ways for users to obtain and use Cowrie (CWR) coins. With that aim, our team of talented and experienced developers work hard to build a unique economic system to make it easy for traders and users.

All devices in the system will be directly linked to the Cowrium Pay module, accessing which will require users to provide their unique identity. This will act as the Financial System of the entire economic system, allowing you to save, withdraw, make payments, lend CWR coins, link or request a Cowrium Pay Debit / Credit card for use with ATMs, POS Terminals or our Card Readers located throughout the world . The Cowrium Payment Module and Financial System will be supported by a separate entity from the Cowrium Foundation.

Furthermore, to create a successful and independent economic system, the Cowrium Network will implement the Governance features, which have been found in several cryptocurrency, including Dash. This feature is designed to provide certain rights to Masternode holders, including the ability to choose, fund or reject proposals submitted by community members, including but not limited to event sponsors, charities, developer gifts, and more. The crowdfunding feature will allow the community to raise funds for their media / event development projects and shows, without relying on third-party development teams.

Multicurrency Payment System - enabling Merchants and Consumers to make/receive payments in any Coin via dedicated mobile and web apps.

Smart Contract interaction between child chains - capability permits the interoperability of block chains through Cowrium and Private Masternodes.

Multicurrency ICO Platform - that gives ICOs the ability to accept payments in any Cryptocurrency of their choice.

Smart Contract Library - that implements the 2-hop - Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake - protocol as compared to the traditional PoW (1-hop) for higher security and easier implementation.

InstantSend - The near-instant payments known as InstantSend technology, is designed to average at 0.5 secs per transaction compare to Dash 1.3 seconds.

PrivateSend - The technology mix your funds through the Masternodes network, making near-impossible to trace back the origin of the funds.

Enterprise Private Contracts which can be executed only by users willing to participate in the contract but can be verified publicly.

Intelligent Pooling System - effectively resolves the Mempool overload issue of traditional blockchains by prioritizing transactions to prevent delays.

Hyperblock technology - provides higher performance & scalability by regularly compressing transactions, thus reducing blockchain size and ensuring less RAM/ drive space requirements.

Support multiple cryptographic algorithms, signing & address via Polysig - Providing protection against quantum attacks .

Atomic Swap - a smart contract feature enabled in the Cowrium wallet of users that allows exchange between different cryptocurrencies (coins) without a third-party.

Recurring & Scheduled Payments a feature that enables users to schedule recurring or subscription payments via their wallets.

Referral Rewards Program - Enable customers and merchants to earn more by referring others to join the platform.

Merchants Loyalty Program - Allow Merchants through their website/app to give back to Users, rewards in the form of Mined CWR coins.

The Cowrium project consists of the following 5 entities:
  1. A multidimensional smart contract
  2. Cowrie - A mass-oriented cryptocurrency
  3. CowDEX - An highly secured decentralized Exchange
  4. ErrandBoy - A DAP that allows you to send crypto & receives in Fiat
  5. Cowrie Stability AI - An artificial intelligence system that can predict the market and help suggest a foreseeable solution - while the buffer system helps stabilize Cowrie and protect it from market volatility.

Start Jan 1, 2020 (00:01AM UCT)
Number of tokens for sale 1,000,000,000 CWRX
End May 30, 2020 (11:59PM UCT)
Tokens exchange rate 1 CWR = 0.075 USD
Acceptable currencies BTC, ETH, LTC, USD, NGN (12)
Minimal transaction amount Varies by Stages

Pre-sales: Jan 01, 2020 - Jan 31, 2020
Public sales: Jan 01, 2020 - May 30, 2020
Token supply: 2,000,000,000 CWR
Total tokens for sale: 1,000,000 CWR
Soft cap: 500,000 USD
Hard cap: 5,000,000 USD

Token distribution:
55% - Product Development & Implementation
25% - Marketing & Community
10% - Administrative & General
5% - Legal
5% - Security & Compliance

Funds allocation:
50% - Token Sale & Aftersales Referral Reward Program
20% - Founders & Team
10% - Marketing & Advisors
10% - Future Partnerships
5% - Bounty, Airdrops, Referrals etc
5% - Special Project: DAPPs

Q1 - 2020
PRE-ICO | Prototype Release
Q2 - 2020
New Website | Wallet Launch | IEO / Major Exchange Listing
Q3 - 2020
POS Launch | Payment Gateway Plugins
Q4 - 2020
Decentralized Exchange Launch (CowDex) | Mobile Mining | Recurring Wallet Payments | ErrandBoy (BETA) Launch
Q1 - 2021
Cowrium Summit | ErrandBoy Official Launch | Smart Contract / ICO Token Launch
Q2 - 2021
Discussion with Financial Institution | Expansion on Scope of Work | Worldwide Promotion
Q3 - 2021
Interoperability Solution Testnet | Partnership with Conventional Financial Institution | Investment in Acquisition of Conventional Financial Institution
Q4 - 2021
New Partnership
Q1 - 2018
The Cowrie Idea is born | Concept Development.
Q2 - 2018
Team Building | Consultation with Industry Expert
Q3 - 2018
Settle Legal Issues | Discussions with Private Investors
Cowrium Adoption | Private Investment (Seed Capital)
Q4 - 2018
Early Access | Website Launch
Q1 - 2019
Public Announcements at Events | Technical Setup
Q2 - 2019
Project Development | ICO (Restricted)
Q3 - 2019
New Website | Project Development
Q4 - 2019
Testing Period

Emmanuel Haastrup - Founder / Chief Conductor
Praveen Dagdi - Product Manager
Deepanshu Bhatt - Chief Marketing Officer
Shobhit Sharma - Lead: Blockchain Development
Priyanka Chouhan - Lead: Business Development
Aanuoluwapo Awesome - Lead: Community Development
Kshama Verma - Lead: Backend Devs, API, NODEs
Pedetin A. Obadimeji - Lead: Legal

Chloe Khok - Process & Training
Oluyinka Tanimowo - Technology
Bado Faisal - Business Development (Africa)
Marina Sokolova - Business Development (Eastern Europe)



Senin, 13 April 2020

Bullion Exchange

Bullion Exchange
Tentang Pertukaran Bullion Exchange
yang menyediakan penempatan dan eksekusi pesanan instan, pembatalan pesanan gratis, dan pembaruan buku pesanan waktu-nyata. BullionExchange (eBLX) menyediakan pertukaran cryptocurrency real-time yang efektif, suportif, responsif, pertukaran Bullion memungkinkan pengguna untuk berdagang terus menerus tanpa menunggu transaksi untuk ditambang, mengisi beberapa pesanan sekaligus, dan membatalkan pesanan kapan saja tanpa biaya.

Platform Desentralisasi Direct-To-Consumer
Pertukaran bullion dibuat untuk menyelesaikan banyak masalah investor dan pedagang cryptocurrency dalam perdagangan cryptocurrency, ada banyak masalah yang terkait dengan banyak dari pertukaran ini, masalah seperti memblokir akun pengguna, lambat atau tidak ada tanggapan dari supprt, terlalu banyak pemeliharaan pertukaran dan mempengaruhi banyak pedagang , jadi proyek ini dibuat untuk menciptakan pengalaman perdagangan yang hebat bagi para pedagang, masalah dan solusinya telah disorot di bawah ini.

Masalah & Solusi
Beberapa pertukaran bitcoin lainnya memiliki beberapa masalah seperti, lambat atau tidak ada dukungan dari pertukaran, biaya penarikan tinggi, ketidaksadaran memblokir akun pengguna, penarikan lambat. Kami akan menyelesaikan masalah ini di bursa baru ini.

Token Simbol Token: eBLX
Total Pasokan:
Desimal: 8
Alamat Kontrak: 0x84e8a50ca43e8f26094799ba60705475cf2b9832 Kampanye Bounty

Dana Cadangan 20%
Tim dan Pendiri 15%
Penasihat Dewan 10%
Pengembangan Ekosistem 10%
Pemasaran 15%

Pendanaan Alokasi
Pengembangan 40% Pengembangan Bisnis 12
Hukum & Peraturan 10%
Mitra / Investor 6%
Operasional 8%
Kontinjensi 4%

PRESALE: 200.000.000
PENJUALAN TOKEN: 600.000.000
BOUNTY: 5.000.000
TIM: 50.000.000

Domain dan Host aquisition.

Dan eksplorasi video akuisisi.

Pengembangan situs web
Pengembangan Exchange.

Gathering anggota tim. Membangun

komunitas Telegram
Membangun komunitas Twitter

Pengumuman tentang Bitcointalk
Pengumuman di forum dan blog cryptocurrency lainnya.

Bounty Penawaran

Pemasaran & Periklanan
Email buletin pemasaran.
Promosi di blog cryptocurrency

Token Distribution
Token didistribusikan ke tim
Token didistribusikan ke peserta karunia

Peluncuran Bullion Exchange
Bullion Crypto Exchange meluncurkan

Coinmarketcap Listing
Listing dari Bullion Exchange di Coinmarketcap
Daftar eBLX token di coinmarketcap

Tim eksekutif Abioye
Usman - CEO & Pendiri
Ologun Henry - Pengembang
Blockchain Oluwafemi Emmanuel - Manajer Komunitas
Samuel Charles - CTO & Senior Developer

John Schmidt - Dewan Advisor

