Selasa, 27 November 2018




About stateU

StateU is a decentralized software any credit card payment processor that uses blockchain to identify and prevent fraud. Online money transfer (Fiat), 5 x more affordable & 8 x faster. Prepaid debit cards, with credit to fund holders and without limits. Real estate Web plataform, books as well as selling property online way, using Blockchain to transfer ownership


Paybit S.A. 's, founded by the people who have the cleverness in the field operation wear DAOactions, cryptomonads analysis as well as experts in development, year 2016, these people have 6 years of experience in the field of digital currency processing payments, as well as money transfers. Paybit S.A. S, is people who have known by not a few people, and they make a partnership with the company BITPAGOS LATAM, which is the company that could be called the oldest company in Argentina where the company is dedicated to Instant money transfer and payment solutions. our task is to solve the problems that occur with regard to the bank's limits and boundaries. that will be guided to the alias project cities, and now the team has raise the following products:
• PrepaidU
• TransferU
• StateU
• ChargeU


The team is now working on dedicating to raise that point real, limited money, instant, convenient, transparent and free. IT has offered money to be awarded against individuals as well as companies that will be used for payments, for shipping, in currencies, wherever and in whatever you guys want.
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A platform that can process blockchain services aka debit cards as well as credit card services that are secure from fraud. The aim of this platform is absolute to offer solutions for every user in the payment process in different countries, without giving boundaries for each customer, except in the cases, some kind of tax credit/debit card, limits in the purchase online shopping international alias. for every budget transaction will be 3.7% + 1 Euro per international account within 72 hours. 100% online remittance, without limits

How the tutorial it works

The following is a simple simulation for which this will work.
For example, Mr. Jhon would like to send money from Spain to London directed against his colleagues, then the first factor he do is send 100Euros TransferU account, and this transaction will be 3.5% budget. While the method of payment will be wearing the conventional methods of payment, aka 0.5% + 1 Euro wear ESU Ethereum TokenHector, fellow Jhon will get the money the same day. This transaction will use 2 shipping options, TransferU, wearing a national bank account then the city can ensure that the transaction is secure because the hefty TransferU had a role as escrow.

Users can get the info not same of the features provided
With E-banking software that the team provides the user will be able to easily meet their needs, users will be able to make deals to wear this software anywhere and anytime. In addition, each user will obtain protection that uses 3d technology safe for Visa and Mastercard payments every second. to manage any transaction the user do team work wear Oncloud, card technology people and I think pretty well with disruptive technology as well as deeds of DAO. as well as those who do not are not more important will be featured wearing 7 languages.

ESU Token Real Estate Platform

using Escrow Multisig ESU Transfer, every user can also write down any sale of real estate, at blockchain them. The purpose of Economic Affairs of the project is to minimize the budget as well as our obligation to spend time in doing online transactions as well as the sale of real estate. and we as potential users do not need doubt this again, because in fact, this team has not a little experience in helping companies in the real estate sector in the process of selling the property, the sort of House and other buildings. Online money transfer service is a tool that can help increase foreign investment in underdeveloped countries. for this argument, they support 100% of the real estate Economic Affairs.

Why choose STATEU mandatory?

✔ ️ Promoting properties you guys 100% free, as long as 1 month
✔ ️ We help you guys with legal documentation for sale
✔ ️ Filter customers for you guys KYC & AML
✔ Marketing ️ payment for 1 month: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
✔ ️ advertising in foreign magazines real estate: 1 month

Sales registered forever in Blockchain

With the use of suitable from blockchain, we will be able to save the documentation on property sales, the identification of the buyer as well as the legality of money. The title of the owner will be kept forever, thanks to algorithms "evidence of stocks", info is safe and not temporary.
Keep a log of blocks will make it easier to find and track properties. This example belongs to a property that had been seized on the tax levy, left and the nature without good titles. All of them was scam targets

STATEU Tokens Go Into Details

The use of the token is created and developed with the aim to provide services as well as help the Intermarket, every activity that is built to wear this token is being arranged and written in Blockchain without you guys acted at all. by wearing this token we as users will be very lucky because we will be able to minimize the budget international money transfer as well as our property sales budget.
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