Selasa, 16 Oktober 2018



It is new and different. 
Based on a fully autonomous 
Ethereum smart contract, the lottery will exist as long as the block chain exists. It does not require centralized management, it collects money from ticket sales and distributes all winners with fair and clear algorithms. Neogame is not a beneficiary. No one else can use the funds other than to guess the correct lottery number.

Special awards can be extended. 
Neogame uses a ticket token (TKT) as a lottery and bonus. This offer is limited to 500 million cards and we will try to increase its value. As the token value increases, the prize pool increases accordingly. If the token value increases significantly, the size of the hit can be very large.

No commission For 
players like Neogame do not offer lotteries in the world. All other lottery students give 50% of the money for themselves and the project, while giving all the fundraising to the winners. You can also earn a jackpot with Neogame, which is seven times more than the most popular lottery ticket. It is completely anonymous and the winner can receive the prize immediately.

The project team does not require ownership of Neogame. When the project is run, the lottery will be visible to the lottery community and the card member community. However, no one can take ownership of Neogame because nobody can affect the game.
Block Chain Use 
Ethereum Network 
is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts for Neetame operations with Ethereum network ticket creation and revenue, crowd processes and lottery. Neogame works exactly as programmed without crashes, censorship, fraud or interruption of life cycle with third parties.

Token Agreement 
Token tickets are issued on ethereum networks that use the ERC20 token standard and are compatible with Ethereum-based tokens. It is used in three forms in the form of electronic transactions such as lotteries and prize money. Token delivery is limited to 500,000 TKT and can no longer be issued with a smart card agreement.

Smart Contracts 
Neogame funding will go through complex smart contracts. The affiliate sends money to the smart contract address by Ether. All assets collected in a smart contract are fixed until a soft limit is reached. If the soft limit is not reached, the smart contract sends all the money back to the donor.

The lottery contract 
Neogame is almost independent of human control. It is exclusively regulated by a smart lottery contract that automatically calls the game logic. A smart contract holds money, manages drawings, draws randomly, and delivers products clearly and completely. The content of the contract is smart, all transactions are kept in a block chain, and anyone can easily track it.

The moral mission 
gambling and gambling addiction problem is a social issue worldwide, and this project will be transformed to cope with the irresponsible nhiem.Khi gambling world market as a nonprofit model, no gamblers will go after. This is our effort to make the world a better place and to make it happy.

How to make a card 
Limited supply 
TKT supply is limited to 500 million units, and token can not be issued under wise contract terms. As games become more popular, the token rate will increase as always in every market as demand increases to meet limited supply.

We live again. 
Tokensale Hardcap is about $ 40 million. Up to $ 2 million is allocated for software development in exchange, marketing and legal advice. The remaining funds (up to $ 38M) will be used to acquire a TKT card to fund the initial prize money. Purchases are made at exchange rates and will not be stopped until the total amount is spent. This will have a significant positive impact on the exchange rate of the token.

Variation is predicted The 
Ticket Tokens value should be predicted to move up and down. They would tend to grow between championship jackpots when the prize pool and fewer cards are available in free circulation. And once someone gets a jackpot and sells all the goods for another currency, the value will fall.

Detail :

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